Dr. John D. Jarrell
Cell: 401-290-8823
Email: johnjarrell@materialsscience.org
ScB, Materials Science and Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, May 1988
MSc, Materials Science and Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, May 1991
Professional Engineer License (PE), Mechanical Engineering, RI, February 14, 1996
PhD, Biology, Medical Science & Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, May 2008
Dr. John D. Jarrell, PhD, PE, is an experienced multi-discipline engineer specializing in the analysis of complex designs and failures involving materials, mechanical and biological systems.
He has been a licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer, since 1996 and actively involved in engineering analysis, design, product development and research. He earned three degrees from Brown University, a Bachelors and Masters of Science in Materials Science and Engineering and a Doctorate in Biology, Medical Science and Engineering and received Medical training in histology, physiology, microbiology and pathology. He has a faculty appointment in the Department of Orthopaedics at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University. He has several US and foreign patents issued or pending covering photoactive materials, active delivery films and coatings for green energy and medical applications. He is the author of multiple peer reviewed publications and abstracts on materials and coatings and a guide book on materials selection for designers. His collaborative work has been published with investigators at Brown University Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biotechnology, and the Division of Engineering, Rhode Island Hospital’s Orthopedic Research Laboratories and the VA Center for Restorative and Regenerative Medicine. His company has been awarded contracts by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rhode Island Hospital and the Airlift Research Foundation.
SOCIETY AFFILIATIONS- ASTM Intl.; Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS); Society for Biomaterials; National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE); American Society for Materials, International (ASM); International Metallographic Society (IMS); Heat Treating Society (HTS); Society of Carbide and Tool Engineering (SCTE); Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society (EDFAS); Society for Automotive Engineering International (SAE); Surfaces in Biomaterials Foundation; International Association for Property and Evidence (IAPE)
CERTIFICATIONS-Hazardous Waste, Laboratory Safety, Blood Borne Pathogens (Brown University), Electrosurgery CE Module (Valleylab, Institute of Clinical Education), Human Participant Protections Education for Research Teams (National Institutes of Health), CITI Course in The Protection of Human Research Subjects
AWARDS & HONORS- 1) Best in Show, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Awards for Microscopy, ASM Intl., RI Chapter, 1994. 2) Sigma Xi Honor Society. 3) 2009 Entrepreneur Track Winner of the RI Business Plan Contest. 4) RI House of Rep. Citation for developing a propriety technology to thwart infection relating to medical device use, May 2009. 5) RI House of Rep. and Secretary of State, Certificate of Congratulations, (Res. 09-264) June 2009. 6) 2010 Rhode Island Innovation Award in the category of Health Care & Biotechnology Innovations.
Teaching Associate in Orthopaedics, February 1, 2010 through June 30, 2016, Department of Orthopaedics, Alpert Medical School, Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University.
Founder & President January 2009 to present, BioIntraface Inc., N.Kingston, RI. Coordinates R&D and intellectual property for comprehensive collaborative development of Basic Science Research into practical medical technologies and treatments for orthopaedics.
President, April 1993 to present, MATERIALS SCIENCE ASSOCIATES, LLC, N.Kingston, RI. Biomedical Engineering, Metallurgical, Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering consulting services for Government, Hospital, Legal, Insurance, Medical, and Manufacturing needs. Performs failure analysis, materials, process and site evaluations, biomaterial and medical implant design and testing, fabrication and surgery. Provides professional reports, oral presentations & expert opinions.
Materials Science Engineer, March 1991 to March 1993, Thielsch Engineering Inc., Cranston, RI. Provided engineering and failure analyses for local clients. Provided analysis of fastener systems, pressurized vessels and piping, electrical components, roller and thrust bearings, failed nuclear components, manufacturing processes, materials and process selection. Specialized in fractography, chemical and corrosion analysis. Received in-house training and instruction from Helmult Thielsch, Sr., PE.
Research and Teaching Assistant, September 1989 to February 1991, Brown University, Department of Advanced Materials Research, Providence, RI. Performed initial investigation of a lightweight aerospace material for Martin Marietta Laboratories, with enhanced room temperature fracture toughness to encourage commercial use. Investigated effect of high rate pressure-shear on copper foils, funded by the Office of Naval Research.
Engineering Investigator, March 1987 to September 1989, Avery Technical Services (ATS), Inc., Barrington, RI. Investigated, analyzed, and documented industrial, home and automotive incidents involving mechanical and material failures for legal and insurance purposes. Specialized in personal and industrial accident reconstructions.
Jarrell JD; Tran PA; Baker C; Morgan JR; Hayda RA; Born CT. Bioactive Hybrid Material Surface Treatments for Infection Resistant Implants without Drugs, ASM, Materials and Processes for Medical Devices 2011, Annual Meeting and Exposition: Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 8-10, 2011. Proceedings (in-print)
Tran PA; Jarrell JD; Baker C; Hayda RA; Born CT. Improving the Bioresponse to Polymers using Zirconium and Tantalum Hybridization, ASM, Materials and Processes for Medical Devices 2011, Annual Meeting and Exposition: Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 8-10, 2011. Proceedings (in-print)
Jarrell JD, Dolly B, Morgan JR. Rapid screening, in vitro study of metal oxide and polymer hybrids as delivery coatings for improved soft-tissue integration of implants. J Biomed Mater Res A, Volume 92A, Issue 3, Pages 1094-1104, 1 March 2010.
Jarrell JD, Dolly B, Morgan JR. Controlled release of vanadium from titanium oxide coatings for improved integration of soft tissue implants. J Biomed Mater Res A, Volume 90A, Issue 1, Pages 272-281, June 2009.
Jarrell JD. Active metal oxides and polymer hybrids as biomaterials. PhD Thesis, Brown University, Providence RI, USA 2008.
Jarrell JD, Eun TH, Samale M, Briant C, Sheldon BW, Morgan JR, Metal Oxide Coated (MOC) Cell Culture Arrays for Rapid Biological Screening. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A 2007;83A:853-860.
JD Jarrell, Dislocation Structures of OFHC Copper Deformed by High Rate Pressure-Shear, Master’s Thesis: Brown University, Providence, RI, May 1991.
Jarrell JD; Tran PA; Baker C; Morgan JR; Hayda RA; Born CT. Bioactive Hybrid Material Surface Treatments for Infection Resistant Implants without Drugs, ASM, Materials and Processes for Medical Devices 2011, Annual Meeting and Exposition: Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 8-10, 2011.
Tran PA; Jarrell JD; Baker C; Hayda RA; Born CT. Improving the Bioresponse to Polymers using Zirconium and Tantalum Hybridization, ASM, Materials and Processes for Medical Devices 2011, Annual Meeting and Exposition: Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 8-10, 2011.
Jarrell JD; Tran PA; Baker C; Morgan JR; Hayda RA; Born CT. Surface Treatments for Orthopaedic Implants which Prevent Bacteria Growth and Support Cell Proliferation, Society For Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition: Orlando, Florida, April 13 – 16, 2011.
Tran PA; Jarrell JD; Baker C; Morgan JR; Hayda RA; Born CT. Effects of Addition of Transition Metal Oxides to Polymer on Growth of Human Cells, Society For Biomaterials 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition: Orlando, Florida, April 13 – 16, 2011.
Jarrell, J D; Young M D; Walters J L; Trans P; Born, C T. Transitional Metal Oxide Hybrid Surface Treatments for Bioactive and Antimicrobial Orthopaedic Trauma Implants, 57th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Transactions Vol. 36, No. 1550, Long Beach, CA, January 2011.
Tran PA; Jarrell J D; Young MD; Walters JL; Hayda RA; Born CT. Hybrid Surface Treatments for Bioactive and antimicrobial Orthopaedic Trauma Implants, 18th Annual Hospital Research Celebrations, Rhode Island Hospital, October 21, 2010.
Jarrell, J D; Spenciner, D; Morgan, J R; Hayda, R A; Born, C T. Antimicrobial Hybrid Coatings for External Fixation Pins, Society For Biomaterials 2010 Annual Meeting; April 21 – 24, 2010 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Jarrell, J D; Puckett, S; Morgan, J R; Hayda, R A; Born, C T. Durability of Bioactive, Antimicrobial Biointerface on External Fixation Pins, 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, Transactions Vol. 35, No. 2177, New Orleans, LA, 2010.
Jarrell, J D; Werlin, E C; Weinstock, B; Puckett, S D; Morgan, J R; Ciombor, D M; Aaron, R K. Rapid Development of Photoactive Solid State Dispersions as Biointerfaces for Orthopaedic Implants, Hybrid Materials 2009, First International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Transactions, A1.3.07, Tours France, March, 2009.
Jarrell, J D; Werlin, E C; Weinstock, B; Puckett, S D; Morgan, J R; Ciombor, D M; Aaron, R K. Rapid Development of Biointerfaces for Antimicrobial Transcutaneous Osseointegrated Implant Devices (TCOIDs). 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Transactions Vol. 34, No. 0555, Las Vegas, NV, February, 2009.
John D Jarrell, Evan C Werlin, Sabrina Puckett, Jeffrey R Morgan. Active metal oxide and polymer hybrid coatings for antimicrobial devices. BioInterface 2008, Annual Symposium, Surfaces in Biomaterials Foundation, Min., MN, October, 2008.
Evan C. Werlin, John D. Jarrell, Jeffrey R. Morgan, The Effect of Precursor Selection and Coating Thickness on the Photoactivity of a Novel Metal-Polymer Hybrid. 34th Annual North East Bioengineering Conference, April 4-6, 2008.
JD Jarrell, EC Werlin, JR Morgan. Novel light-activated antimicrobial controlled delivery polymer hybrids for osseointegrated transcutaneous devices. 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Transactions Vol. 33, No. 1729, San Francisco, CA March, 2008.
John D Jarrell and Jeffrey R Morgan. Bioactive Polymer Hybrids to Improve the Soft Tissue Seal Around Percutaneous Devices. BioInterface 2007, Annual Symposium, Surfaces in Biomaterials Foundation, San Mateo, CA, October 31, 2007.
John D. Jarrell, Jeffrey R. Morgan, Bioactive Polymers for Soft Tissue Sealing of Osseointegrated Prosthetic Attachments, 6th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, No. 0063, October 21-24, 2007.
Morgan, J.R., Jarrell, J.D., Holt, B., Tripathi, A.., and Aaron, R.K. Optimizing the Soft Tissue Seal of a Percutaneous Osseointegration Device. No Barriers Symposium, Squaw Valley, CA. June 30, 2007.
Morgan, J.R., Jarrell, J.D., Holt, B., Tripathi, A., Webster, T., Ciombor, D.M., and Aaron, R.K. Optimizing the Soft Tissue Seal of a Percutaneous Osseointegration Device. 4th International Meeting, Ten Years of the US-Russian Program in Prosthetics and Rehabilitation, New England Sinai Hospital, Stoughton, MA, June 18, 2007.
John D. Jarrell, Tai Hee Eun, Marcus Samale, Clyde Briant, Brian W. Sheldon, Jeffrey R. Morgan, Use of specialized metal oxide films for delivery of bioactive metal compounds, Orthopaedic Research Society, Transactions Vol. 32, No. 1590, San Diego, CA, 2007.
J.D Jarrell, Crisco, J.J.*, Moore, D.C.*, McGovern, R.D.*, Coating of Stainless Steel Bone Cutting Devices Enhances Functional Performance, Society for Biomaterials, 23 rd Annual Meeting in conjunction with the 29th Internationals Biomaterials Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, April-May 1997, vol. xx, pg 416. (*Orthopedic Research Laboratories, Rhode Island Hospital)
J.D. Jarrell, A Non-Wetting, Conductive Coating Replacement for Teflon (PTFE) in Surgical Applications, Surfaces in Biomaterials ‘94, Scottsdale, Arizona, September 1994.
JD Jarrell, Chemical Passivation of Stainless Steels Eliminated By Using ME-92 Chromium Composition Coating, Society for Biomaterials, 20th Annual Meeting in conjunction with the 26th Internationals Biomaterials Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1994.
RJ Clifton, W Tong, JD Jarrell, Brown University, Dislocation Structures and the High Rate Deformation of Pure Metals, Greece Symposium, 1990.